\documentclass[a1paper,landscape]{tikzposter} \tikzposterlatexaffectionproofon %shows small comment on how the poster was made % Commands \newcommand{\bs}{\textbackslash} % backslash \newcommand{\cmd}[1]{{\bf \color{red}#1}} % highlights command % -- PREDEFINED THEMES ---------------------- % % Backgrounds: Default, Empty, Rays, VerticalGradation, BottomVerticalGradation % Titles: Default, Basic, Empty, Filled, Envelope, Wave, VerticalShading % Blocks: Default, Basic, Minimal, Envelope, Corner, Slide, TornOut % Notes: Default, Sticky, Corner, VerticalShading \usetheme{$themevar} $colorvar $backgroundvar $titlevar $blockvar $notevar % Title, Author, Institute \title{$messagevar} \author{$submessagevar} \institute{} \begin{document} % Title block with title, author, logo, etc. \maketitle \block{Block with title}{Content\\~\\~ % \vspace{1cm} % \innerblock{Theorem}{like environment} % \vspace{1cm} % \innerblock{}{inner block without title} } \block{}{~\\ Block without title\\ ~\\ } \note[targetoffsety=-2cm, width=20cm]{ Note\\ ~\\ ~\\} \block[titleoffsety=-2cm,bodyoffsety=-2cm]% {If you like this setting, use the following code:}{ \bs documentclass\{tikzposter\} \\ \\ $themestylevar$colorstylevar$backgroundstylevar$titlestylevar$blockstylevar$notestylevar\\ \bs title\{Title\} \bs author\{Author\} \bs institute\{Institute\}\\ \\ \bs begin\{document\}\\ \\ \bs maketitle\\ \\ \bs block\{Block\}\{Content\}\\ \bs end\{document\} } \end{document}